Love what you do and the rest will follow!
The most important thing in our life is not what we do, but the people who do it with us.
I always keep in my mind this premise, because we need to feel and love what we do, but we also need to be comfortable and collaborate with other people to get what we wish, in other words, to be happy with what we do every day in our life.
Satisfaction starts with a happy family, good friends sorrounding us, a cozy home and a creative job, and the only way to do so is making sure that you are living and working in the best environment.
In this sense, I consider that Huella Verde Mallorca has a lot of things to offer, because this is the lifestyle I have always wished. I mean, I would like to be part of a project in which people are not competitive one each other because we will try to help our neighbours to get a common benefit: live in peace loving what we do.
In my opinion, it is a unique opportunity to get involved in something you are really passionate with, because we will not only live together, but also we will collaborate to get a successful community in which our neighbours are not only our friends but our family.
This feeling will bring us a real quality lifestyle because we will have everything around and in case we need anything else, we can even count on the mentorship centre’s people who will help us to get the key ideas to bring it also for the community.
That means that we will not need to depend on the city anymore, as we will have everything we need around our home. I will not have to drive to go to work or even my husband, who always takes my children to the nursery while I am working, will not need to do it and will be so happy. We will not have to do the grocery list either, as we will produce everything as well. I think that the best way to do it would be that everyone get specialised in something, so that we become professional producers, but of course, it would be agreed among every neighbour. What I mean is that the own community will bring us independence and the lifestyle we have ever dreamed and that is something I am really enthusiastic with!! J
I was looking for a community that helps you to develop and flourish and you can help them to develop too. This would be a community that literally “protects” you and I definitely think that this ecological one provides you the best means to prosper, because you will have both, people and facilities to do so. I have chosen the best one ever!
Written by Maria E.